Gutters have a tough job keeping your home safe from the elements. Over time they may need gutter repair for some common problems. After spending months collecting leaves and other debris, gutters can become loose. Storms can play a big part in loosening gutters as well.
When gutters become loose, they can sag, preventing them from properly collecting water. A gutter repair professional will clean and tighten the gutters and reattach any sections that come off. If sections cannot be repaired, they will be replaced.
Another reason for gutter repair is leaking. Since gutters tend to collect dirt, sticks, leaves, and other debris, it can lead to cracking or breaking. Sometimes the cracks or holes can be repaired with waterproof material. However, the gutter may be beyond repair and need replacing.
Gutters only last so long, and eventually, they wear out, becoming rusty. They also develop holes and cracks that cannot be repaired. The gutter system may not need a complete replacement, but a professional should come out and take a look to see if it’s worth doing gutter repairs or if it’s time for a complete replacement.
If your downspout stops functioning, it can lead to major issues with your foundation. If water is not redirected away from your foundation, it can pool, causing flooding and other problems. Repairing a downspout is a quick fix for a professional. If you need gutter repair or have questions, call our processionals at Aspire Roofing and Gutters; we would be happy to assist you.